Meister Eckhart Divinity School

An Educational Institute For Ministry, Personal Growth And Religious Degree Or Certificate Programs

Program Details

Licentiate And Doctorate Of Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law


The Licentiate in Canon Law (inter-jurisdictional) and Doctor in Canon Law (inter-jurisdictional) are self-paced Degree programs within parameters.  This means that the student can take no more than 3 years to complete the Licentiate part of the Program.  If not completed within that time frame, the student must start again from day one. This includes paying a second tuition fee.  If the student can successfully complete the Licentiate in less time (in no less than 1.5 years), the degree will be granted.  The student is not held to the 1.5-year timeline, if at some point the student discovers more time is needed.  If the student needs an exception for extended time, he or she must write a letter requesting an extension with a legitimate reason for the extension that will be reviewed by the Dean who then will decide whether to extend the Program. Decisions will be made on an individual basis.

For the Doctor of Canon Law program, the student must complete all work in the Licentiate and be granted the Licentiate and then may begin the Doctoral year which is the Dissertation Year with the possibility of coursework, if updates are necessary based on ecclesiastical needs or legal updates.  The student will have a minimum of one year to complete his or her Dissertation with an extension of one year.  For the extension, the student or the Dean may request an extension to complete the Dissertation.  If the student is requesting an extension of up to one year, the student must request in writing the reason for the extension.  The letter is to be sent to the Dean who will review the proposal.  

Upon successful completion of the Doctorate of Canon Law (inter-jurisdictional), the student will be awarded both the Licentiate and the Doctorate Degrees. All school fees must be settled before the conferral of the Degrees.

Course Description 

The Licentiate of Inter-denominational Canon Law (LCD): 90 completed credits total (subject to change without notice before the course starts)

Though it uses the Roman Codex (CIC) and Roman Code of Canon Law (1983), Interdenominational Canon Law does not look at one particular code of Canon Law but as many codes and manifestos or church governmental writings that serve the church and the faithful to find common grounds for the litigation of ecclesiastical issues and breaches in inter-denominations. 

The Licentiate student at the end of studies will receive a Licentiate in Inter-Jurisdictional Law.  This will allow the student to litigate in the interdenominational court system or other ecclesiastical court systems when canons are breached, ignored, broken or misused.  This is a self-paced online program with readings, PowerPoints, recorded lectures and examinations; with a comprehensive examination at the end of studies along with the Licentiate Project. Self-paced does not imply that the student can complete this curriculum at will.  Self-paced means that the curriculum will be broken down into modules.  Each module will be about 5 weeks in length.  These weeks will be designated Week 1, Week 2 and so forth in order to help pace the student in his or her studies.  By week 5, all work for that module is to be completed, so the student can move on to the next module until the entire curriculum is completed. The last module of the Licentiate program will consist of a lengthy comprehensive examination in writing, preceded by the completion of a directed Licentiate Project that will inform the student of the title and way it is to be presented.  Upon successful completion of all course work, comprehensive final examination and acceptance of the Licentiate Project the student will be awarded the Licentiate in Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law (LCD).  A passing grade is an 85% or higher grade.  Under 85% any course must be retaken. This is offered only one time per course.  If after the retake the student still cannot obtain at least 85%, the student must retake the entire program, including course fees as if asked to leave the Program and reapply after one year. The Licentiate allows the student to litigate any canonical case within their jurisdictional denomination, and if there is a shortage of judges to sit, by invitation only, occasionally as a judge (since judges must hold the JCD) but never a justice of the Supreme Tribunal Court of Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law, nor does the Licentiate give the student the ability to teach Canon Law.

Following the academics, the student will take a first-year comprehensive examination that will cover all material of the first year.  The comprehensive examination will consist of examination questions from all given examinations in the first year.  The student must pass with an 85% or higher.  If less than 85% the student will have the option to request either an oral examination or another written examination.  If the student obtains less than 85%, he or she must retake the areas they failed on the examination.  They will have 6 months to complete this.  The student will then be given a written comprehensive exam only in those areas.  If he or she does not reach at least 85%, the student is dismissed from the Program with the option of returning one year later starting from class one with new fees as if the student were starting again.  The student will have one year to complete this portion of the program.

The Doctorate of Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law (JCD): 120 Total Credits 

For the student to be considered for the Doctor of Canon Law, he or she must first successfully complete all the requirements of the LCD.  In addition, the student must complete a Directed Dissertation. He or she has one year to complete this project.  The topic is already chosen by the department. The research is to be completed using APA (American Psychological Association) citations and reference work or Chicago style citations and reference work.  These styles cannot be intermingled, as both student and school must agree which style will be used. Once chosen, the student may not choose another style. Throughout that year, students will present the dissertation for evaluation and corrections to their assigned Reader in the following manner:

1.     The title of the Dissertation

2.     A complete abstract

3.     A workable table of contents (complete)

4.     Rationale behind the work

5.     Cited research (within the work appropriately cited to the reference page)

6.     A conclusion to the work

7.     An APA/Chicago Style formatted alphabetically/or numerically indexed reference page.

If so desired, the student may have a dedication page at the front of the Dissertation before the title page.

The student will complete one chapter at a time and send it for review and corrections to the Reader.  They will receive the corrections and revisions, if any.  They are to make appropriate corrections and then return it to the reader who will again review and, if necessary, make further corrections.  This will occur up to three times per chapter.  If the chapter does not meet the criteria after the third trial in any of the chapters, the dissertation process will stop at that point.  The Reader will meet with the Dean of the Program and President of Meister Eckhart Divinity School to determine the next course of action up to and including dismissal from the Program.

Upon completion of the Dissertation, the student will defend his or her Dissertation either online or in person. This will be determined at that time.  Once all work has been successfully completed, the student will be awarded the Doctor of Canon Law (JCD). This affords the student the privilege to litigate as a  attorney at ecclesiastical court, teach canon law and qualify for appointment as a judge or justice in any ecclesiastical Court.


Curriculum Format

Each year will consist of a series of Modules.  Each Module will be accompanied by the textbook for that module.  The student will have a designated period of time to complete the work. The textbooks written for each year will determine the number of Modules to be completed. Each Module will consist of studying the textbooks and writing a 10 to 20 Term Paper on each textbook. The essence of such Paper is for the reader of the paper to get confirmation that the student understands and has command of the subject matter.  It is suggested that for each chapter in the textbook, the student may write one to four pages on what he or she has learned in that chapter. A summarization of a chapter is not acceptable.  The paper is to focus on what the student has learned and what he or she has learned can be applied in their practice. There will be a series of examinations covering each text. The student will have ample opportunity to maintain a passing grade of at least 85%. Each student will have one opportunity to raise his or her grade.  If that test fails, the highest grade out of the two attempts will be recorded and the other test will be dropped.  If the student fails the Module, it will have to be taken over at an additional tuition fee. The student will have one repeat of each module.  If that module after a second attempt is failed, his or her  professor will have a conference with the Dean to assess the situation and reach a resolution to either retain or dismiss the student.

Upon completion of the Licentiate program, the student will automatically be admitted into the Doctoral portion of the program, if he or she wishes to do so.  Otherwise, the student will retain the Licentiate with all its privileges and rights.  

Length Of Time And Textbooks

The Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law program comprises a total of three years or up to five years, if exceptions need to be made.  Should after five years the Degree(s) are not complete, the student must retake the entire program from the Licentiate forward at the then current tuition rate.  Though this is a self-paced program and completely online, it is the student’s responsibility to manage their time wisely. It is not the responsibility of the school or the professorial staff to monitor the student’s time management.  Students will be advised periodically how much total time they have left to complete their program.  If an emergency arises, the student must petition the Dean for an extension.  The amount of time needed for the extension must be included in the writing of the request letter.  The maximum time for an extension must not exceed 60 days.  If a Leave of Absence is needed, the student must petition the Dean for such leave.  The leave of absence must not exceed one academic year.  The student will resume where left off prior to the leave. Both an extension and a leave of absence are at the discretion of the Dean of the Department to accept, reject or revise the timetable presented.  The student must clearly explain the reason for a leave.

All textbooks are purchased through KDP-Amazon bookstore.  These texts are not on Kindle and must be purchased in order to complete the coursework.  Titles and information will be found in each syllabus.  Some of the courses may require other texts to be purchased through Meister Eckhart Divinity School. These texts books are kept at a reasonable and fair price.

The Dissertation

Criteria for the Dissertation will be presented here and repeated in the syllabus for the dissertation at that time.  All criteria are subject to change with notice.

The Dissertation is a Directed Dissertation. This means that the topic for the dissertation will be given by the Dean of the Program.  No other topics will be considered.  The dissertation is to be in either American Psychological Association (APA) format or Chicago Style format.  No other styles will be accepted.  The criteria for the layout of the dissertation will be presented in the syllabus.  The student will one year to complete the dissertation.  The dissertation is to be written in parts (chapters). Upon completion of each chapter, the student is to send a copy via email to his or her Reader who will be appointed by the school. The Reader will make comments on what types of corrections, revisions etc., if any, are to be done.  The student is to correct the error(s) and resubmit the chapter to the reader for further commentary and corrections or revisions.  The student is not to move on to the next sections of the dissertation until approved to do so by the reader.  The process will continue until the dissertation is fully completed.  Once completed, the student will send the dissertation for publication through KDP-Amazon and will publish the dissertation in hard copy.  The student will, at his or her expense, send a copy to the School, the Dean and retain a copy for themselves. Once received by the School and the Dean, the degree can be conferred. As mentioned, the student will have one year to complete the dissertation with a possible 6-month extension to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

The Topic Of The Dissertation

The topic of the dissertation shall be as follows:

Title: A Text, Commentary and Canon Law of the _____________________ Church.

Included in the Dissertation (to be explained on the syllabus) is as follows, (this can be modified with the permission of the Reader and the Dean.  It is suggested that the candidate purchase a text and commentary of a church’s code of canon law to see whether such format meets the requirements of the School instead of the one below (if the student is more comfortable with that format).

1. Dedication/Acknowledgement page if desired (not required)

2. A sign-off page from the readers

3. Abstract of the work

4. Optional Foreword (may be done by someone other than the writer)

5. Preface (by the writer)  as to how to use and read this text

6. A complete copy of the denomination’s present Code of Canon Law. If no code is written by the denomination, the student will write a code of canon law and provide it here.

7. Table of contents properly paginated

8. A brief history of the _________ church.

9. Book 1: The Believing People Of God

a.      What population constitutes this church? Reference the canons that apply to the faithful. Explain them and discuss the theology that attracts this population and why they are called ...

Church  and  Structure

a.     Individually go through the canons of your church. Write the Canons in order and research their meaning. For example: What is the name of your church? Where did the name come from? What is the history of the church?

b.      What is the structure of the church? What is the hierarchical structure? Write the Canons and explain them through research. For example:  What is the name of the head of your church called? Why that name? How is that person elected or appointed, and what is the process? Do this for each office of the church.  An illustration of this may look like this: "Canon 100.  The Presiding Bishop. The presiding bishop is the head of the denomination and is to serve for life or other periods of time as outlined in Canon 200"... "Retirement of a bishop. The presiding bishop is elected by 2/3 majority vote ..."  Do this for each office and title (Presiding Bishop, Archbishop, Nuncio, Coadjutor Bishop, Titular Bishop, Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop-elect, Priest, Deacon, Archdeacon etc.)


When doing this, make sure you have the code that governs the office then explain the office and research the office. Don’t forget the impediments and irregularities to each office and the process of adjudication and penalties attached and how they are meted out and the consequences thereof.

Go through each Canon that deals with the church, the structure of the church etc.


The Sacraments

a.     Go through each sacrament as they are outlined in the Canons.  Reference the Canons, define the sacrament and comment on each one of the sacraments, including matters like annulments, etc.

b.      What are the issues that arise if a sacrament is performed without proper intent or other issues?

c.       How are violations adjudicated and consequences, penalties etc. dealt with?

Religious Institutions, Regulatory Norms Of The Church

a.     If your denomination has religious orders or societies of consecrated life, write the Canons that govern them, define them and comment on them.

b.     What regulates the church? Is it considered an independent church? What does that mean? How is it different from other churches? What regulates a faith-based community? How is each particular church governed, and who is the overseer?

The Judicial System (The Canonical Judiciary)

a.      If a law is violated, what is the procedure on the violation?

b.      What is the process and who starts the process, if there is a violation in your church?

c.     How is, or would you like to see, the court system set up in the event of a canonical violation?

d.     The inter-jurisdictional system of law has litigators (JCL), Judges and Justices (JCDs) as well as ecclesial court systems. How is your church’s judicial system set up? Is it adequate or does it need revisions? If it needs revisions, what do those revisions look like and how would they be implemented? What forms would be needed to get the process started? Etc.

e.    How are the judges are chosen, and what are the different levels of the court system? Who has the final say in each case? How does an appeal work? When is the supreme court used? When does the presiding bishop make final decisions? How are cases overturned and retried? What is due process, and how does that work in your church’s court system?

Conclusion And Summation

 Appendix  I: Paperwork

In this section, you are to write (briefly) the procedure your church uses in the event that something needs to be brought to the ecclesiastical court.  In other words, if someone violates a code and it needs to be adjudicated, how is that process started? What forms, if any, need to be filled out, how are they obtained, where does one go to obtain the forms and how are they filed with the courts?  

Note: If your church already has paperwork that has been approved for use, gather such copies with permission and put them in this section. No need to rewrite what has been already been accomplished. However, if you feel you have a better way to write the paperwork, feel free to rewrite it but include the church document that you are revising.  If you feel something is missing, create a document and entitle it “New Document” for inclusion.

Create paperwork for each phase. Some examples are:

                                               i. Taking a deposition

                                             ii. Amicus Brief

                                            iii. Charges and Violations

                                            iv. Subpoenas

                                              v. Marriage contracts

                                            vi. Separation decrees

                                           vii. Divorce decrees

                                         viii.     Annulments

                                            ix. Judicial records

                                              x. Judges disposition

                                            xi. Appeals

                                           xii. Retrials

                                         xiii.     Overturned case documents

                                          xiv. Filing and refiling charges

                                           xv. Censure

                                          xvi. Laicization

                                        xvii.     Excommunication

                                       xviii.     Granting of faculties and appointments

                                          xix. Ordination paperwork

                                           xx. Defrocking paperwork

                                          xxi. Dismissals from Holy Orders

                                        xxii.     Impediments and irregularities

                                       xxiii.     Ordination documents and documents for institutions of religious life

Upon successful completion of the dissertation, the candidate for the Doctor of Canon (JDC) will set a day and time with his or her Reader to defend the dissertation. Once determined, the dissertation committee will convene, and the defense will commence.  The defense format will be a colloquy rather than scrutiny. The student will submit 10 questions that he or she wishes to discuss based on the dissertation.  The reader(s) will submit up to 5 questions they wish to discuss. From that body of questions, the Faculty will choose no more than 3 to 5 questions to ask and discuss. The process of the dissertation defense will be as follows:

1.     The student will have 20 minutes to present a synopsis of his or her dissertation. This may be done through a PowerPoint presentation or verbal lecture-type presentation.

2.     Following the summation, the review committee will begin the discussion with the fine questions chosen by the lead defense Faculty. 

3.     The query period should take no more than two hours with an option to extend to 4 if needed.

4.     Upon completion of the query, the candidate will be asked to leave the room or, if conducted by video conference, be silenced temporarily. The committee will deliberate for no more than a half-hour and decide whether the candidate passes and will be granted the Degree, or whether there may need to be further clarification on a point, or whether there need to be a retake at another time. 

If the candidate needs a retake, a time and day will be presented. The candidate will follow the criteria given by the dissertation committee.  They will meet at that time.  If the candidate successfully passes the discussion, the degree can be granted.  If not, the candidate will be informed that the degree is not to be granted at this time. The student will have to retake some or the entire program.  The School administration will decide on a fee for the retake.  


Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law Programs

Required Credits: Licentiate 60 credits

Doctorate 120 credits (included in this are the 60 credits from the licentiate)

Pre-requisite transcripts will be scrutinized to determine whether courses need to be taken along with the Canon Law requirements 

Syllabus Year 1 (JCL)

60 Credit Hours


JCL/ JCD Criteria

This is a dual Degree program if desired.  The candidate must have prerequisite courses before entering this program.  They must have either a Master of Divinity Degree or an equivalent thereof or a Juris Doctorate or be in studies for the Juris Doctorate. The transcripts will be reviewed to determine how many credits can be taken and how many will need to be taken, if any. Each candidate is approved for admission based on his or her transcripts. The student may take the remaining courses along with the Canon Law Studies.


Syllabus Program Requirements

Year 1 (JCL and JCD)


Module 1 / Year 1

JCD 100 Volume 1 Text

Module 1: 5  Weeks with one extra week if needed with permission from the professor. (One academic week is Monday through Sunday)

Text :

Scuderi, Archbishop Anthony J. (2022). Norms, Laws, and Customs. Volume 1: Introduction to Interjurisdictional Canon Law for the Independent and Ecumenical Catholic Churches. Amazon-KDP Publishers.  ISBN: 9798433477544.



Module 1 , Year 1, Week 1:

Chapters 1: The Role of the Canon Lawyer

Chapter 2: Why do we need Canon lawyers and not just abide by civil laws


1. Read Chapters 1 and 2.

2. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

3. Put together a chapter by chapter PowerPoint slide presentation.  The total number of slides per chapter is not to exceed 40 and not be less than 20. Every chapter must be included.

4. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

5. Write a 5 to 10-page Reflection Paper on your understanding of the material.  Please document and cite material in your paper.  Do not summarize the textbook. The reader is interested in what you understand from the material backed by documentation.

Examination 1

Complete the examination and return it along with your Reflection Paper.  The examination is to be in Microsoft Word. You are to download the examination and follow the directions exactly as written. Not following directions will fail the examination. Once complete, save the examination on your desktop and upload it into an email along with your Reflection Paper.  Send it to your professor. Be sure to include your contact information on the examination.

Module 1, Year 1, Week 2:

Chapters 3: The evolution and Incorporation of the Decretals  

Chapters 4: General Ecclesiastical and Ministerial Laws


1. Read Chapters 3 and 4.

2. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

3. Put together a chapter by chapter PowerPoint slide presentation.  The total number of slides per chapter is not to exceed 40 and not be less than 20. Every Chapter must be included.

4. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

5. Write a 5 to 10-page Reflection paper on your understanding of the material.  Please document and cite material in your paper.  Do not summarize the textbook. The reader is interested in what you understand from the material backed by documentation.

Examination 2

Complete the examination and return it along with your Reflection Paper.  The examination is to be in Microsoft Word. You are to download the examination and follow the directions exactly as written. Not following directions will fail the examination. Once complete, save the examination on your desktop and upload it into an email along with your Reflection Paper.  Send it to your professor. Be sure to include your contact information on the examination.

Module 1- Year 1- Week 3:

Chapters 5: What is the difference between Civil, Divine, Natural, Positive and Ecclesiastical Law?


1. Read Chapter 5.

2. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

3. Put together a Chapter by Chapter PowerPoint slide presentation.  The total number of slides per Chapter is not to exceed 40 and not below 20. Every Chapter must be included.

4. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

5. Write a 5 to 10-page Reflection paper on your understanding of the material.  Please document and cite material in your paper.  Do not summarize the textbook. The reader is interested in what you understand from the material backed by documentation.

Examination 3

Complete the examination and return it along with your Reflection Paper.  The examination is to be in Microsoft Word. You are to download the examination and follow the directions exactly as written. Not following directions will fail the examination. Once complete, save the examination on your desktop and upload it into an email along with your Reflection Paper.  Send it to your professor. Be sure to include your contact information on the examination.

Module 1, Year 1, Week 4:

    Chapter 6 The Promulgation of Law

Chapter 7: Canonical Universal and Canonical Particular Law


1. Read Chapters 6 and 7.

2. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

3. Put together a Chapter by Chapter PowerPoint slide presentation.  The total number of slides per Chapter is not to exceed 40 and not below 20. Every Chapter must be included.

4. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

5. Write a 5 to 10-page Reflection paper on your understanding of the material.  Please document and cite material in your paper.  Do not summarize the textbook. The reader is interested in what you understand from the material backed by documentation.

Examination 4

Complete the examination and return it along with your Reflection Paper.  The examination is to be in Microsoft Word. You are to download the examination and follow the directions exactly as written. Not following directions will fail the examination. Once complete, save the examination on your desktop and upload it into an email along with your Reflection Paper.  Send it to your professor. Be sure to include your contact information on the examination.

Module 1, Year 1, Week 5:

Chapter 8: Lacuna Legis:  There is no law where there should be one

   Chapter 9:  Customs Under the Law


1. Read Chapters 8 and 9.

2. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

3. Put together a Chapter by Chapter PowerPoint slide presentation.  The total number of slides per Chapter is not to exceed 40 and not below 20. Every Chapter must be included.

4. Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

5. Write a 5 to 10-page Reflection paper on your understanding of the material.  Please document and cite material in your paper.  Do not summarize the textbook. The reader is interested in what you understand from the material backed by documentation.

Read Chapters 8 and 9.

Review the PowerPoint and view any video lectures that may be presented

Write a 5 to 10-page Reflection paper on your understanding of the material.  Please document and cite material in your paper. Do not summarize the textbook. The reader is interested in what you understand from the material backed by documentation.


Comprehensive Examination Covering Volume 1

Complete the examination and return it along with your Reflection Paper.  The examination is to be in Microsoft Word. You are to download the examination and follow the directions exactly as written. Not following directions will fail the examination. Once complete, save the examination on your desktop and upload it into an email along with your Reflection Paper.  Send it to your professor. Be sure to include your contact information on the examination.


Module 2 / Year 1

JCD101 Volume 2 Text

Module 1: 5  Weeks with one extra week if needed with permission from the professor. (One academic week is Monday through Sunday)

Text :

Scuderi, Archbishop Anthony J. (2022). General Decrees, Administrative Acts & Governance. Amazon-KDP Publishers.  ISBN: 9798443403953


(as above) 


Module 2- Year 1- Week 1:

Chapters 1: General Decrees and Administrative Acts and those in authority to issue them

Chapters 2: Statutes And General Rules Of Order

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 2- Year 1- Week 2:

Chapters 3: Juridic and Physical Persons in Law 

Chapters 4: Governance

 Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 2- Year 1- Week 3:

Chapters 5: Legal Church and Structure: Office of Governance: Criterion and Implementation 

Chapters 6: An overview of governing power under Law

 Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

o include your contact information on the examination.


Module 2- Year 1- Week 4:

Chapters 7: The dissemination of Government in the Church through Instruments and acts of Governance 

Chapters 8: Canon Law and Equivalent Laws

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 2- Year 1- Week 5:

Chapters 9: General Decrees and the Law   

Chapters 10: Status Under the Law

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 3 / Year 1

JCD 102 Volume 3 Text

Module 1: 5  Weeks with one extra week if needed with permission from the professor. (One academic week is Monday through Sunday)

Text :

Scuderi, Archbishop Anthony J. (2022). Ecclesiastical Offices- Volume 3- Interjurisdictional Canon Law for the Independent and Ecumenical Catholic Churches.  Amazon-KDP Publishers.  ISBN: 9798814744234


The entire book is to be read and digested.

Complete all assignments as indicated

Complete all examinations as indicated

Suggested Timeline to complete this Module. Total weeks:5 with a 1 Week extension by permission only.


Module 3 – Year 1- Week 1:

Chapters 1: It all starts here: Rome

Chapter 2: A Little History: The Struggle For Significance  -  Papal Infallibility, A Controversial Topic

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 3 – Year 1- Week 2:

Chapters 3: The Acquisition of a Church Office: Governance in the Church

Chapter 4: Church Governance: Titles and Positions

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 3 – Year 1- Week 3:

Chapters 5: Offices and Qualifications

Chapter 6: The Care Of The Souls Of All Faithful

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 3 – Year 1- Week 4:

Chapters 7: The Laity And The Law

Chapter 8: The Clerical State

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 3 – Year 1- Week 5:

Chapters 9: The Acquisition Of Any Property

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 4 / Year 1

JCD 103 Volume 4 Text

Sacraments, Sanctions And Process Issues

Module 1: 5  Weeks with one extra week if needed with permission from the professor. (One academic week is Monday through Sunday)

Text :

Scuderi, Archbishop Anthony J. (2022). Sacraments, Sanctions, and Process Issues.  Amazon-KDP Publishers. 9798834579021


The entire book is to be read and digested.

Complete all assignments as indicated

Complete all examinations as indicated

Suggested Timeline to complete this Module. Total weeks:5 with a 1 Week extension by permission only.


Module 4 – Year 1- Week 1:

Chapters 1: How to litigate with diverse churches: The Interjurisdictional Process

Chapter 2: Validity and Liceity in regard to all the Sacraments except Matrimony and Holy Orders

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 4 – Year 1- Week 2:

Chapters 3: Irregularities and Impediments: The Sacraments of Holy Orders (Deaconate, Presbyterate, Episcopacy) and Matrimony: Impediments and Irregularities

Chapter 4: The Sacrament Of Holy Orders  -  The Effect Of The Sacrament Of Holy Orders

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Module 4 – Year 1- Week 3:

Chapters 5: How to litigate with diverse churches: The Inter-jurisdictional Process

Assignments and Examination 1 (as above)

Year 2:  Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law

The Licentiate Year

Continuation of the Doctoral Years

Introduction to the Second Year of Studies

Upon the successful completion of the second year course work, for those of you who wish to earn only the Licentiate in Canon Law your journey ends at the completion of this year.

This year is considered the Civil Year of Canon Law.  Because Canon Law (Church Law) must, in some areas, correspond and agree with civil law, you will be introduced and immersed into the areas of civil law as applicable to Canon Law.  Since this is not a Juris Doctorate (JD) program as one would experience in Law School, upon completion you will not receive a Civil Law Degree (JD). If you wish to ascertain a Civil Law Degree, please contact a Law School of your choice and present to them the course syllabus in order to see what classes, if any, they will accept to enter into their program. 

Upon completion of this year, you will be taking a written comprehensive examination that will cover all Modules in years I and II.  You will have two opportunities to pass written examinations.  Upon completion of the examination, for those ending their studies at the Licentiate level, you will be awarded the Licentiate in Inter-jurisdictional Canon Law (JCL) and thus graduate.  For those continuing onto the Doctoral Program, you will be given the choice of either receiving the JCL and then moving onto the Doctoral year or waiting (i.e., not to receive the JCL Degree at this time, but upon successful completion of all work in the doctoral program) and then to receive both the Licentiate and the Doctorate.

As with the first year, the second year is self-paced as well. You have one year to complete the program before graduation or moving on to the Doctorate year.  If any extensions are needed, they are to be submitted in writing with a legitimate cause for the extension and presented to the Dean of the department who will review the request and make a determination. In the event that the second year is not passed, the student will have the opportunity to repeat any courses failed.  Please note that full course fees may be charged according School policy on retaking a class. If any course within the retake is failed a second time, the student will be dismissed from the second year.  The student may, after 6 months, reapply to the school for readmission at the then charged tuition. The student will repeat the entire second-year program, i.e., not merely failed classes. Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student will be awarded either the Doctorate of Canon Law or both, the Licentiate in Canon Law and the Doctorate of Canon Law.

If the student fails a second time, that student will be dismissed from the School with the opportunity to reapply for the program missed after 1 full year.